Взято с shrine devited to Yuna... Усмеялась. (те места, когда у меня случился истеричный приступ, выделены курсивом.)
Yuna tells Tidus that she has to continue her pilgrimige, she couldn't just give up and walk away. Tidus said he'd go with her, Yuna looks at him and smiles "Stay with me, until the end, please." Tidus smiles back at her "Not until the end, always." Yuna smiles (yes again now shut up XD) and tells him to head back to camp first (I guess so the others wouldn't know what they were doing lol.) As he gets up, the two gaze into each other's eyes and Tidus walks away. As Tidus walks back to camp, Yuna whistles and, of course, Tidus stops and turns around to see Yuna. "Wait, I'll go with you." she says. They start walking back, Yuna trailing slowly behind. But then, Yuna runs up and grabs his hand (awww...how cute...*tear*) and the two walk back to camp hand in hand.
Хотя я согласна. Это правда очень cute.
Even though they both laugh strangely and make themselves look like idiots, it is very sweet.
And they hug each other for a short yet long amount of time (and kiss too XD yes, I think they do lol pay attention next time you watch it and you'll see XDD) until Wakka shouts something to them which is rather rude in my opinion. The 2 young lovers look over at Wakka rather digusted by what Wakka just said, Tidus then replies telling him no one asked him to watch.
Теперь понятно, почему Вакка так разводит руками и улыбается
He starts by possessing Rikku (NO!! Not little Rikku!!! Oops, uh sorry.)
Весело живём ^^"
Current music: Dido feat. Enigma - Sleep